We are in the process of looking to expanding to nearby territories! Check back often to see where we are in the process of offering camps and training outside of the Atlanta area. We may be coming to your town very soon. Plans for growth include cities such as Chattanooga, Greenville, and Charlotte. If you don't have a camp in one of these places but want one for your area, please be sure to head to our Hire Us page, so we can meet your needs.
We’ve been in the soccer business for 30+ years, and have been a learning each year how to improve what we're doing and who we are teaching. We take pride in sharing the experience we’ve acquired to other cities.
Cutting corners is not an option at Technika Academy. We do everything as thoroughly as we can, from the beginning to the end. No excuses and no shortcuts allowed.
Play, Compete, Enjoy. That’s our motto, and our experience. We’ll work our hardest so that our most challenging goals internally and for those we coach are hit every time.