"Can You Believe We Get to Be Parents....Again?"

By Amy Feigl, Executive Director

November 2, 2023

"Can You Believe We Get to Be Parents....Again?"

My husband and I regularly muse to one another that we can't really believe that we are parents of children - six children nonetheless. We don't muse about this so much because we are ill-prepared and don't know what to expect or do anymore, much like we were at the beginning, but because neither of us are anything special. Especially, special enough to be receiving such amazing gifts year after year. We wonder on a regular basis, "who are we to be blessed so richly?" But I think that reality keeps things in perspective for us, and allows us to enjoy each child's phase and development, not wishing for it to be over (though some phases are extremely hard and demanding), but to revel in them and press into such rare moments that seem ordinary but are anything but.

Forgive me for the additional "baby" content, but walking (most times waddling) through pregnancy and then into labor and finally into baby boot-camp for three months where the baby is eating up a storm and sleep is illusive, have generally become the way that camps are conceived and labored over before the real work on the field begins. This isn't something daunting nor do I resent any one stage, but each new phase is something that is worth the journey, the effort, and the end product, until finally you get to hold the gift in your hands. It's a remarkably long but amazing process. 

I can't help but smile to know that a little piece of your child's life will be impacted by how we conceive each week of camp, work and labor to bring forth the concept, coach, and then teach and get our hands "dirty" during their actually time on the field with us. It's amazingly humbling but rewarding, much like each pregnancy and new child has been for our family.

I promise that the next Executive Director note will be geared more towards soccer than babies, but what can ya do when you just gave birth, but to revel in it's beauty for a minute:)

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and got some good time in with family and friends - slowing down, relaxing, and enjoying the little moments that will be gone in the blink of an eye.

-Amy Feigl, Executive Director

By Amy Feigl January 9, 2025
2025 Summer Camp Registration Open! Our Summer 2025 Soccer Camp schedule is set and registration is open! Take advantage of our Early Bird discount (till March 15) and register now . What better way to spend the summer than to be with friends, outside, and learning a new skill or honing an old one. We are offering one week of summer soccer camp: July 14-18. The week of camp will be hosted at Whitefield Academy . Both half day (8-12pm) and full day options (8-3pm) are available for parents for every week. We have Extended Care for any families needing to drop off before 8am or pick up after 3pm. Register for our Recreational Camps here . Register for our Competitive Camps here . Don't know which camp is right for your child(ren), click here . Note: There are camp discounts for current Whitefield Academy employees, Home School families, and Church of the Apostles members. Please email me to receive a discount code before completing registration.
By Amy Feigl January 15, 2024
Schedule "Stuffing" I heard one of our pastors provide a great way to explain our over-scheduled lives in America yesterday at church. He labeled our overly fast-paced, anti-restful, not present with one another lives by the term schedule stuffing. I thought it was a great way to describe how things have become for most American families who do not intentionally focus on scaling back what they are doing with their and their children's days, months, and years as family units. Imagine you are going on a trip and have one small suitcase to fill. That suitcase doesn't get to decided what goes in it, it just has to function properly with what is put inside it. You gather all your "essential" items and place inside the suitcase. Then you decide that you should probably grab this and that just in case, so you start jamming in more and more. Eventually, you are sitting on the suitcase, using your entire weight of your body to jam that last "must have" item into the bag. When you finally get it all zipped up (a miracle in and off itself), you look at it and think to yourself, "phew, I'm glad that's over...all packed!" The suitcase though has no room for anything else and is almost ready to bust a seam. You have to now gingerly place it in the car, because you know with one wrong move, a massive explosion (and busted bag) will ensue, because of the jostling around in the car. This (hopefully funny) example is not meant to beat anyone over the head for doing alot of things with their lives. It's meant to serve as a gentle reminder (to myself included) that we should take inventory of what we are signing up for and most importantly why we are signing up. What a great way to approach describing why we are only offering one week of summer camp instead of two or even three or gosh, even four! I mean, we really should "go big or go home," right? Isn't getting bigger, offering more, providing extra this and that, better ultimately for our kids, so that they stay active and healthy, stay competitive amongst their peers, and not be bored so they don't get into trouble? We couldn't agree less, here at Technika Academy! But I haven't always felt like this...it's a grace that I've come to witness so much unhealthy "fruit" of life always on the go, contracted out to someone else to entertain, raise, instruct, and coach our children. So, why aren't we offering more weeks of camp to everyone? Doesn't everyone know and really feel that life lived so busy and quickly isn't the way we want it? Shouldn't we make sure that registration numbers are "good" by providing enough options for parents to choose between if they can't attend the only week we are offering? And what about the lost training that could have been happening if we did offer one more week of camp? Our kids are going to be behind their peers! (gulp). What are we communicating is important to our families? Well, a good indicator of that is just looking at your weekly and monthly calendar. Before we list the reasons that we are not offering more weeks of camp, let me say loud and clear, because I've been in the sports (soccer specifically) world since I could barely run, that if your child misses out on one or two or even an entire summer of "extra training," that they WILL BE JUST FINE, and that I've never witnessed in all my years any player gaining so much ground (or losing it) over the course of one week of training that their career is now on an entirely different path. If anyone tells you or sells you differently, start running the other way! So, here are the reasons we are not offering any more weeks of camp this year: 1) Last summer was super busy for us , and we want to intentionally slow down a bit (we could have a slower year in 2024 and offer more camp weeks, but we're taking just a year at a time for now:)) 2) We want others to enjoy more family time , and not more schedule stuffing, just because something exists to sign up for. "If you build it, they will come," is a true statement in the youth sports industry. We realize that whatever we offer will "pull" the interest of someone and we take that seriously. But we also realize that having somewhere to put your kids while you work is very important and we want to balance that appropriately by offering an outlet. 3) We desire that relationships between family members take more of a priority , even though we realize that relationships take time, effort, which make it easy to put in second place. Being present with your family members is more important than offering them the latest, greatest (fill in the blank). They want you around and not someone else. 4) Kids need time to engage in "unstructured play. " I know that seems scary, because they are going to say the parent dreaded words...."I'm Bored!!" But that's ok. You can live with that and it's good for them (any you). 5) We have noticed kids and parents burning out with life's demands and don't want to be part of that problem, but hope to be part of that solution. 6) We have noticed that the relational living that we are meant to do is taking a back seat because we are simply too tired from everything else. So take a moment to check your schedule and your children's. Is it filled up so much that you have to schedule in down time? Maybe it's too filled. Or maybe scheduling in down time is exactly what you need to achieve some rest in your life and your kid's. If we have offended you in any way, please give me a call at 404-645-0028 and we can chat about i! Our goal is not that we condemn anyone for what you are doing, but provide you with something to chew on as you prepare for your upcoming summer plans! We'd love to see you at our July camp if you are able to make it, and it fits well into your schedule. In the months to come, we'll be taking a stab at starting (and hopefully finishing) walking through our core values again and giving you a closer look at who we are at Technika Academy, so read over our Character value below. -Amy Feigl, Executive Director
By Amy Feigl January 14, 2024
Core Value: Character Last year, we tried to walk through our core values but didn't get as far as we had hoped! So to kick off this new 2024 camp season, we'll recap our last core value we highlighted: Character. We'll set to walk through the remaining our core values, giving you a closer look at who we are at Technika Academy . To re-start things, we'll describe what our core value "Character" means to us, and what we hope our impact looks like as we live with and teach character on and off the field. It's quite fitting that Character is our first core value as we re-address who we are here, because all of our other principles we ascribe to really fall under this broad "character" core value. Well, what is Character? What kind of Character do we want to be exemplifying at Technika Academy ? In my opinion, Character is somewhat hard to describe without using other core values like, humility, service, kindness, hard work, etc. At Technika Academy we see character as what's behind all that you do, or what you do when nobody's around, or to put another way, the distinct qualities that describe a person's nature. A humbling question to consider: if someone were asked to describe you, what would they say? Maybe take time this week to ask your kids, or spouse, or someone you trust this question. Their answers may be surprising! So, what are some character traits we should be aiming to encourage and develop in our players while they are under our care? What are the character traits that we want our staff to live by and be motivated by? What are the character traits that should drive camps in general? Well, there are dozens of admirable character traits that would be worthwhile to keep front of mind, however, we boiled it down to a handful, so that we could hone in on several that would really make an impact during our time on and off the field with our players. Below are the core values that we believe develop our Character best at Technika Academy , and what you can expect from us at any of our camps, and in our communications, throughout our hiring process, and frankly, in everything we do! Character Hard Work & Commitment Honesty & Humility Selflessness & Servant Leadership Competition & Courage Self Discipline & Moderation Focus on Details & Conscientious Fun & Enjoyment Gratefulness & Kindness In our following newsletters, we'll take a deep dive into what we believe each of these core values means and our pursuit on how we use them to positively change the soccer landscape, one camp and one player at a time. Thank you for the gift of teaching your children both on and off the field. We look forward to seeing you in June and July! -Amy Feigl, Executive Director
Summer soccer camps
By Amy Feigl November 30, 2022
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Soccer Camp Software
By Amy Feigl November 29, 2022
We are excited to announce that we have officially moved to our NEW registration and operating platform - PlayMetrics! This partnership will aid in camp effectiveness on and off the fields for all our membership, coaches, and staff. Join us in welcoming PlayMetrics to our Technika Academy family.
By Amy Feigl November 29, 2022
Baby Victor Feigl was born on Tuesday, November 22, at 6:38am to our Executive Director and her family and on his Dad's 40th birthday no less!
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Welcome United Rental as one of our 2023 Supporter Sponsors for Technika Academy.
Summer Soccer Camps
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Grateful for My Station in Life As I prepare for the arrival of our 6th child (in two weeks), I'm reminded how I similarly prepare for each seasonal camp with anticipation and expectant joy.
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